Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reading & Writing 3th : Bathwater Gang

Reading & Writing 3th : Bathwater Gang
Title of book
: Bathwater Gang
: Little, Brown & Company
Author of book
: Jerry Spinelli
Publication Date
: 1990
Number of pages in book
: 59


             There was 2012 Fall book sale in Lawrence Public Library 3 weeks ago. At that time, I went there, and this book was chosen. The title of this book is Bathwater Gang which was written by Jerry Spinelli and illustrated by Meredith Johnson in 1990. It consists of 11 chapters and shows

             On Summer vacation, Bertie Kidd felt bored, and she started rolling out side. Bertie Kidd called Granny, and she was wogging. Bertie Kidd said that I am bored, but Granny responds that you miss school. At that time, Bertie Kidd met Damaris Pickwell who is a best friend. She told that having a gang because she liked to just do things. However, her friend did not want to do that, so she was angry and kicked some furniture. After that, Bertie have a good gang, and she wants to find members for her gang. However, most of the friends do not want to join the member, so Bertie slumped onto the bottom basement. She decided to make a plan in order to join members: join Bertie’s gang and see the world.
             In order to join gang members, she made a poster. However, there was 2 types posters: want free pizza? Join Bertie’s gang no boys, and Bertie kidd unfair to boys. Soon girls began to arrive. A few of them became frightened, but most of the girls walked right on past him. Thus, only the two who had shown up were Amy Moss and Liz Caputo, and they made lists our gang platform; god, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, soda, pizza, and so on. Bertie, Amy, and Liz started walking and found out, and Andy’s gang was racing away. Bertie’s gang pelted Andy Boyer’s front door with eggs. Kids raced to their room and changed into the bathing suits.


             Most parents have some rules in order for children to allow. Thus, the children sometime have to follow them. Before having a gang, Damaris Pickwell also talked to his mother, and Bertie Kidd was angry due to mother’s answer. I think that this story shows children’s story in order to make funny things; joining members. Before I read this book, I think that it might be easy for me. However, even though the pages are only 59, it was so difficult to understand the meaning. This book explains that how to join the gang member, and how to make friends. During this book, I remembered that when I was child, how to play with my friends. Therefore, it makes me happy and to remember my childhood.

to take hold of someone or something
to move your hand, or something you hold in your hand
to use your hands to move something toward you
to feel strong excitement and pleasure
to smile continuously with a very big smile


  1. That is a interesting story. As you said, I think every famliy have some rules for they children. children need to follow those boring rules. That is not good. I mean some rules are good for us, but some rules is not good for us. I think almost every children hate to study too much. Sometimes we just need some free time to do our things or hang out with friends to relax ourselves, but we aslo need to understand our parents.They are try to somethings good for our,even somethings make our not happy. We still need to forgive they.It's good for you to read this book. That is a fun book.

  2. Always children want to be more free to do what they think. Therefore,without and some punishment children don't keep the the house system. Every person in our live want to be free from any rule but that my cause a lot of problem between people and government. The rules keep for everybody his prerogative and show his duties.
